Depending on what CIFP credential you, the licensee, hold, the Chartered Institute of Financial Planning or the CIFP Retirement Institute will conduct a preliminary investigation of the complaint to determine if it has merit. This may take up to 90 days although it is typically completed in relatively short order.
As part of this initial review, CIFP may contact the complainant and ask for further details to clarify certain facts and to provide additional supporting documentation to supplement what was submitted when the original complaint form was filed. The complainant will also be informed that in the interests of fairness and due process, you, the licensee, will be made aware of the complaint and will be given 30 days to respond in writing to the accusations.
The Chartered Institute of Financial Planning or the CIFP Retirement Institute will make a determination as to whether it can rule on the case or, if the allegations against, you, the licensee, are more serious in nature, the matter needs to be escalated. If either the Chartered Institute or the Retirement Institute does in fact preside over the case, it will render a decision in as timely a manner as is reasonably feasible. The decision will be delivered in writing to both the complainant as well as to you, the licensee. Where the CIFP sides with the complainant, the sanctions, if any, to be imposed against you, the licensee, will be made clear and full details of the case will be published on the Chartered Institute of Financial Planning or the CIFP Retirement Institute Web site.
On the other hand, if the initial review by CIFP deems the nature and the complexity of the complaint to be beyond the scope of the Chartered Institute or the Retirement Institute, the matter will be referred to the Conduct Committee.