Retirement Lifestyle Planning
Retirement Lifestyle Planning is for everyone. It encompasses a review and planning of 10 areas of life. Our goal is to establish the support systems to help you design a wonderful retirement.
Retirement Lifestyle Planning Focuses on 10 Major Areas of Life:
- Family - How does your immediate and extended family (children, grandchildren or even parents) fit into your plans? You'll need to incorporate their needs into your retirement plan.
- Self - What do you consider important in life? How is your health? What is your financial situation? What are your personal goals for retirement? What do you fear most about retirement?
- Social - Do you have friends that have already or will be retiring at the same time as you? Will you miss the social contact that came with your job?
- Leisure - Do you plan to travel the world? Pursue a new hobby? Or spend more time with grandchildren? Envisioning your retirement will make the transition between working life and retirement easier.
- Work - Many individuals obtained a sense of identity from their jobs. What will you miss most about your job? Will you be working in retirement, perhaps on a part-time basis?
- Spiritual - How will your personal support system help or hinder you from making a successful transition to retirement?
- Relational - If you and your spouse both worked and only saw each other in the evenings and on weekends, will you be able to adapt to being together much more of the time? Do you plan to move to be closer to your children and grandchildren?
- Cultural - Does your background place various expectations on you as you get older? Will you be taking care of older family members? Are you expected to continue to be actively involved in your community?
- Community - Does your community have adequate health care services for you in the future? Will you be moving to a new town or province? If you move to be closer to your grandchildren, how do you think that will work out? Is there adequate transportation in your neighborhood?
- Financial - Estimating the costs associated with your retirement choice is an important step when deciding if you are ready to retire.
Sound retirement planning consists of both mental and financial preparation and should begin as early as 10 years before your official last day of work.