RRC/CR Certification

To attain RRC/CR certification and earn the license to use the prestigious Registered Retirement Consultant and RRC, the Conseiller en Retraite and Conseillère en Retraite and CR titles, candidates must satisfy the following educational and non-educational criteria:

Education requirements:

  • successfully complete the CIFP Retirement Planning Certificate Course which entails:
    • submitting all end-of-unit formal assessments
    • attaining a minimum grade of 60% on the final course examination
    • attaining a minimum cumulative course grade of 60% (i.e. based on a weighting of 30% for the end-of-unit formal assessments and 70% for the final examination)
    • creation and defense of a retirement plan that is evaluated by the Retirement Institute

Non-educational requirements:

  • have a minimum of one year of qualifying work experience as determined by the CIFP Retirement Institute
  • attest to abide by terms and conditions of the RRC® and CR® Certification Marks License Agreement
  • attest to abide by the Code of Conduct on the RRC certification application form
  • attest to abide by the Practice Standards on the RRC certification application form
  • pay the applicable certification fee